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Soul-led & Satisfied

Build a Life of Magic and Meaning




Mind. Body. Soul.

Jessie Soul-led Client


I am able to live and work from a space where I am able to make decisions, take actions, and so much more - with a deep trust in myself.



I'm getting much better at managing my negative thoughts, and the work I've been doing with you has been INSTRUMENTAL in that change. Thank you so much Nikki xxx



I am learning to create balance between my personal and professional life! It is feeling absolutely satisfying to be my own boss and sit here typing this post without any stress hanging over my head!



Nikki's energy is in such perfect alignment with me & she has already guided me to make massive leaps & bounds after a couple of tough years that had my energy & my business all messed up.

How Does the Membership Work?

The Membership has been carefully designed to support you throughout your journey in life as you connect to your intuition, form a relationship with the Universe and take practical and magical action in life to create a future you truly deserve and desire.

Whether you want to improve your health, relationships, finances and career or even take those first steps to start a business - this space will guide and align you to your highest truth and soul path.


You will be challenged, championed and encouraged to take massive action internally and externally to awaken and activate your full potential.


This is NOT a space for those unwilling to do the work. We are powerful people on a big mission - there's no time to lose.

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Monthly Masterclasses

Potent Activation 

Immerse yourself in captivating LIVE workshops and transformative sessions designed to unlock your true potential and awaken your soul's calling. Delve into intuitive decision-making, mindset mastery, and purposeful strategies that bring your unique desires to the forefront of your soul's journey.

In 2024 we are embracing the Major Arcana Archetypes as teachers and guides for your personal spiritual development.

Monthly Share Circle

Sacred & Safe

Every month we step into sacred circle together where you get to share and be seen in our private monthly call. This space is not recorded and allows you the opportunity to come in communion however you are - divinely you.

This community connection continues in our private FB Community where you are surrounded with a tribe of kindred spirits who understand the importance of crafting a lifestyle that brings joy and fulfilment. Engage in uplifting connections, share your triumphs and challenges, and find unwavering support as you navigate your own path to success.

Weekly Alignment Sessions

Community, Connection & Co-Creation

In our private FaceBook Community Group you gain access to weekly lessons to help you tap into the current energies of the week and move in concert with the Universe.

Designed to be practical and magical, these are a great where to tap into Nikki's teachings and spirit team on a regular basis and gain personalised support. It is also a great space to share your goals and intentions and receive support and guidance from the community.

Content Portal & Library

Self Paced & Practical

As a member you gain access to an extensive content portal that hosts a range of masterclasses, content and tools to help you go deeper between our live connections.

Explore a curated collection of resources that inspire you to live life on your terms. From empowering self-discovery exercises to practical tools for maintaining a harmonious work-life balance, growing a soul aligned business or how to empowers yourself to create a lifestyle that reflects your truest desires.

I want to help you get a feel of what it's like in our beautiful community Soul-led & Satisfied so here are some excerpts from a Monday Magic Lesson where we prepare for the week ahead mind, body and soul.


It's the commitment to honouring this one precious life you have been gifted by discovering a way of Being that's in connection to your Highest Good and Gifts.

It's the journey of personal self discovery and self sovereignty that owns your Divine Right to build a life that lights you up and to lead from a place of deep intuitive truth.

It's the co-creation of a life, a legacy and a love for who you are and what you're doing that your soul's been Calling you towards your whole life.

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How Do We Walk the Soul-led & Satisfied Path?

Hello there, my magical loves!
Welcome to the most magical chapter of your life so far, where you discover what you're really made of and meant for. And let's get this part out of the's scary AF to decide to change your life and to no longer play small and settle for less.

But together we get to walk through that fear, make friends with the dark and shine SO FREAKING BRIGHTLY on the other side. Safe in the knowledge that when you keep choosing you, the only possible outcome is a life of so much magic and so much meaning.


The mainstream world doesn't want us to know that this is possible. It probably has done a real good job so far of convincing you that it is for the lucky few - the rich, the elite, the one in a million mavericks - but simply put, that's total BS. You were born with infinite potential and it still lives within you today ready to be Called upon, to be shaped and to make waves that can only come through your unique vibration and vision.

This ever-evolving Membership, Soul-led & Satisfied, is a community designed to meet you where you're at and help you navigate forward in radical alignment, integrity and authenticity. We host a portal of activation that will lead you into deeper levels of self truth and self sovereignty.


Our space can be the loving embrace of a soul-tribe that Sees the real you when others in your life cant - or wont. 

Our space can be the fiery hearth where you forge your self into the most Divine expression of you.


Our space can be the awakening of your intuitive and spiritual gifts that can be used to walk the path of life with confidence, clarity and courage.


Honestly, we walk the Soul-led and Satisfied Path through the commitment to continuing to show up as the eternal student, ask expansive questions and listen deeply for our soul's answer. This is what you will experience every week in Soul-led & Satisfied.


I invite you to connect with me below in the video and discover more about our sacred community and then decide how you'd like to move forward with the Membership options available. 

I can't wait to make magic with you.

Love, Trust & Pixie Dust,
Nikki Wouters xo

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What's coming up in the Membership

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March's Magical Masterclass

The High Priestess is waiting within you to emerge, to be heard and to help lead you along the path of your greatest passion and power. However, for many different reasons she has been silenced. Maybe not completely, maybe not in all areas and maybe so effectively and so early on in your life that you haven't even fully realised how small she is...

It might be the reason you no longer make time for your creative hobbies.
It might be the reason you stay in an unfulfilling relationship.
It might be the reason you hold a deep sadness...even when you don't know why.

In this month's training we reconnect you with your High Priestess within so that you're operating fully aware of and in tune to your divine inner guidance and potential for greatness.


Are you ready to Heal Your High Priestess?

In this month's Masterclass, you'll:

  • Spend 90 minutes being guided and supported into greater awareness around what's blocking your intuition and divine gifts. Through carefully crafted reflection questions, actionable activities and opportunities to connect with your guides and spiritual team you will leave the session clearer and more confident than ever.

  • Acknowledge and honour the choices and challenges so far on the journey in order to move forward in full integrity mind, body and soul. A significant aspect to release the patterns of the past and truly forge a future you truly desire.

  • Have the opportunity to receive personalised support and guidance to get the most out of session. Nikki holds sacred space at the end of every session for your shares and questions in acknowledgment of your unique situation and circumstances.


Begin the journey today.

Join us in Soul-led & Sa
tisfied and begin to live, breathe and move with magic.

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Membership Pricing Plans
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